A School Management System
A School Management System
This is about the time when we (a group of 8 members) had to create a full-fledged Desktop application as a project in our 2nd Year 2nd Semester Module (ITP) at the Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology.
The proposed software product is a School Management System, aimed to eliminate the manual workload that is the school’s current system. The manual system comprises of spreadsheets and mainly record books which is inefficient, prone to errors, time consuming, difficult to handle and hard to maintain, thereby has increased the expenses of the school drastically.
The eight major functionalities (developed by the 8 members) outlined to be performed are listed as follows:
- Student Management System
- Staff Management and Payroll System
- Attendance Management System
- Library Management System
- Inventory Control System
- Performance Handling System
- Scheduler System
- Administrative and Communication System

Student Management System:
Staff Management System:
Attendance Management System:
Scheduler System:
Performance Handling System:
Library Management System:
Inventory Control System:
Administrative and Communication System:
Since the system is a desktop application we had decided to develop the system using C# (C Sharp), which is an advanced and user friendly programming language. And we choose Visual Studio 2013 as our frame work for the execution purposes. To develop the database we have used the most popular database designing tool, that is, MS-SQL 2012 version.
BIS (SMS) depends on some libraries and tools for its function. These packages are already pre-included in the installation file. Since system using database to store the data MS-SQL is needed to be installed. Either company can use their own server or hard disk to store the database.
• MS-SQL database
• Crystal Report
Staff management is an essential part of any organization especially in an International school. A well-managed staff force will be a positive impact to the school as a whole. In Bond International School, everything related to the staff are maintained in a more traditional way, book keeping. This results in many issues. Searching for a specific staff’s details may require so much of time, while searching for multiple staff’s details deem impossible. Managing the staff details requires stacks of physical files. At the end of each month calculating salary details for each and every staff member requires accessing multiple records. Requesting leaves and leave sanctions requires more time. Substituting teachers in case of absentees is a tedious work. In need, producing reports on staff members is not an easy task. And every single task that requires calculations is prone to human errors and fraudulence.
I developed the Staff Management System which handles staff vacancy details, record staff details, manage sanctions properly, handle payroll system effectively, generate various types of reports on staff members for analysis. There are several options to be selected namely,
Main Dashboard of the Staff Management System:Staff management is an essential part of any organization especially in an International school. A well-managed staff force will be a positive impact to the school as a whole. In Bond International School, everything related to the staff are maintained in a more traditional way, book keeping. This results in many issues. Searching for a specific staff’s details may require so much of time, while searching for multiple staff’s details deem impossible. Managing the staff details requires stacks of physical files. At the end of each month calculating salary details for each and every staff member requires accessing multiple records. Requesting leaves and leave sanctions requires more time. Substituting teachers in case of absentees is a tedious work. In need, producing reports on staff members is not an easy task. And every single task that requires calculations is prone to human errors and fraudulence.
I developed the Staff Management System which handles staff vacancy details, record staff details, manage sanctions properly, handle payroll system effectively, generate various types of reports on staff members for analysis. There are several options to be selected namely,
- Staff Management
- Payroll
- Leave Requests
- Vacancies
- Reports
Report on Staff Designation:
Payroll Handling:
Thank you for your kind comments. Yes, I have been inactive for a while. Hope to get some content out soon