
Showing posts from April, 2017

A Video Lending System (Throwback)

This Video Lending System (Flixstore) was developed by a group of 4 members for the subject module Software Technology II in Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology, in the 2nd Year 1st Semester, in 2016. This was fully developed in Java and backed by MySQL as the Database and iReport for generating various reports for the desktop application. We developed this with very less knowledge in OOP Concepts and Layered Architecture. We learned them day by day and improved as much and applied as much of the concepts as we could and as suited. I was the group leader and was assigned to develop several modules for the application including the Administrative system of the application, Login and such.  Admin's Dashboard: Order Processing:   Report Generation:  Search Movies:  Add Movies:

An Algorithm Simulator

An algorithm is a step-by-step set in instructions to perform an operation. There are multitude of algorithm types used for sorting, compression, routing and so on. Here I have taken two of the Sorting algorithms into consideration. Namely, Selection Sorting and Bubble Sorting. This Algorithm simulation application will work as an e-Learning tool for beginners for the algorithm genre. This application will allow the user to input integer values and show how the two specific sorting algorithms will do the sorting. Selection sort is one of the simplest algorithms available, where the sorted part is at the left end, and the unsorted part is at the right. Initially the sorted part is empty and the unsorted part is the entire array. Smallest element is selected from the unsorted array and swapped with the leftmost element and that element becomes part of sorted array. This process continues moving unsorted array boundary by one element to the right. This algorithm is not suitable for large...

Robotic Process Automation a.k.a RPA

Robotic Process Automation also known as RPA in the community is a new Technology on the rise, which uses so called "Bots" to get mundane (or sometimes heavy logical) tasks done, (with) or without any Human Intervention.  Many industry giants are on the verge of breakthrough and some have already achieved the targeted technology namely Accello (by Virtusa Polaris), Blue Prism and Accenture. Software Robots  A software 'robot' is a software application that replicates the actions of a human being interacting with the user interface of a computer system. For example, the execution of data entry into a SAP system - or indeed a full end-to-end business process - would be a typical activity for a software robot. The software robot operates on the  user interface  (UI) in the same way that a human would; this is a significant departure from traditional forms of IT integration which have historically been based on  Application Programming Interfa...

A School Management System

A School Management System This is about the time when we (a group of 8 members) had to create a full-fledged Desktop application as a project in our 2nd Year 2nd Semester Module (ITP) at the Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology.  The proposed software product is a School Management System, aimed to eliminate the manual workload that is the school’s current system. The manual system comprises of spreadsheets and mainly record books which is inefficient, prone to errors, time consuming, difficult to handle and hard to maintain, thereby has increased the expenses of the school drastically.  The eight major functionalities (developed by the 8 members) outlined to be performed are listed as follows: Student Management System  Staff Management and Payroll System  Attendance Management System  Library Management System  Inventory Control System  Performance Handling System  Scheduler System  Administrative and Communi...