Explore the Trending MEAN Stack

What is MEAN ? M ongoDB | E xpressJS | A ngularJS | N odeJS Mean is used to develop web applications. From the client and server sides to databases, MEAN is a full-stack development toolkit. Used to create simple SPA CRUD applications to full-fledged sites. NodeJS serves as the MEAN stack platform ExpressJS acts as the web server AngularJS delivers the user interface MongoDB provides persistence MongoDB: MongoDB is an open-source document database and schema-less NoSQL database. MongoDB is written in C++. I t supports a wide range of Operating Systems (Windows, OSX, Linux). Also the core team is still active in pushing code releases in a timely manner. MongoDB is probably best used in a situation where you’re testing a new application and seeing how you could structure a database with free-form objects. SQL can be very limiting and I would consider a schema-less database to be even more useful when building ...